The Award Announcment
The moment that Kath Mazzella OAM was announced the recipient of the 2018 WA Senior Australian of the Year Award on 23 November 2017, a dam burst. Our team, who have worked tirelessly to get Kath to the National platform so that the message of greater awareness and support for women’s health could reach the nation, were overflowing with pride and emotion.
Instantly, there was the recognition of the thousands of man-hours that have been sown into this work over the past 23 plus years of campaigning being acknowledged and respected. This went a long way to releasing the frustration of constantly banging on doors, but having them remain firmly closed. The first signs of a trickle of acceptance have started to appear and we are so excited!
As the dam of frustration bursts, Kath is keen to jump into the raging river of hope that is created through this Award process as she travels to Canberra in January 2018 to go head-to-head with Australia’s finest from around the nation.
So what do we hope to achieve through this process:
- Greater community awareness of the millions of women who suffer from Gynaecological/Sexual and associated Mental Health challenges, providing them with a voice.
- To start conversations around our nation about Gynaecological/Sexual/Mental Health and to recognise the ripple effect on our communities, in particular, men and the families of women who suffer.
- To create a wave of excitement and to mobilise champions for the cause who will represent every city and region in Australia, who will instigate International Gynaecological Awareness Day events in their corner of the world, so we can spread the message of acceptance and hope to women and start these vital conversations that will lead to early intervention and healing.
- For the partnership between the medical professionals and the community to be strengthened, so that we can have a deeper and more intimate communication and save lives through prevention, early intervention or best practice in treating these women’s health challenges.
- To attract funding for this work so that the message can be heard on the global stage.
Kath would like to thank the hundreds of people who have phoned, emailed, posted on Facebook and other Social Media, commenting and showing their support. You have no idea how much that wave of support means to Kath and to our team.
We await the next step in this journey, but in the meantime, if you would like to get involved, please email Kath now. We need champions in every State and Region to step forward and take up the cause in their corner of the globe.
A special thank you to every person who has shared a post, booked or attended an event, or given Kath an opportunity to reach the community through their media outlet. You have all played a part in Kath being recognised by this award and have helped Kath to achieve her ultimate goal of sharing the message with the masses.
Watch this space! There is more to come.